Tag Archives: nutrition

Ayurveda & the Three Doshas

Ayurveda is a holistic science of health, focusing on maintaining a physically and emotionally balanced state. Ayurveda began about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago when Indian sages were looking for new ways to be healthy. Revering their bodies like temples, the sages believed that preserving an optimal state of health would help them meditate and develop spiritually. Over thousands of years of observations, they gathered all their conclusions and advice and preserved it for future generations. Since the term itself, Ayurveda, is a combination of the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (knowledge or science), which means “the science or knowledge of life,” this collection of knowledge came to be known as “the science or knowledge of life” – Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is based on the principles of three Doshas. It is difficult to translate the precise meaning of Dosha and it is commonly translated as “biological type”, “humor” or physical constitution. This definition presents a simplistic understanding of the concept. However, the original Sanskrit definition of Dosha is more complex, being defined as “doosyati iti doshah.” The literal translation of this is “that which contaminates is called Dosha.” So in this sense, Doshas may be considered pathogenic factors, or disease causing agents in the body. Imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas cause diseases in the body.

So Doshas are the energies (or types of energy) that make up every individual and each Dosha performs different physiological functions in the body:

The 3 Dosha types:

1.    Vata Dosha: The energy that controls all the bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing and your heartbeat, even blinking your eyes…

  • –      In balance: Results in creativity and vitality.
  • –      Out of balance: May produce fear and anxiety.
  • –      A dominant Vata is thought to make you susceptible to certain conditions, heart disease, insomnia, and rheumatoid arthritis.

2.    Pitta Dosha: The energy that controls all the body’s metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, and bodily temperature…

  • –      In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence.
  • –      Out of balance: May cause anger resulting in ulcers.
  • –      A dominant, Pitta can lead to rashes, heartburn, excessive body heat and indigestion

3.    Kapha Dosha: The energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system.

  • –      In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness.
  • –      Out of balance: May lead to insecurity and envy.
  • –      A dominant Kapha may predispose you to diabetes, cancer, obesity and asthma.

Because one or two of these Doshas usually dominate in each person, the various Dosha proportions determine one’s physiological and personality traits, as well as their general likes and dislikes.

The ancient seers also declared each Dosha represented different elements and attributes…

Elements of the Three Doshas




Air + Ether

Fire + Water

Earth + Water

Attributes of the Three Doshas





Sharp (penetrating)

Slimy (smooth)
Static (stable)
Cloudy (sticky)

(attribute, not a guna)

(attribute, not a guna)

Hard, Gross
(guna but not a classical attribute)

Astringent, Bitter

Sour, Pungent

Sweet, Salty

We are most susceptible to imbalances related to our predominant Dosha, and you are probably wondering which Dosha (or Doshas) dominate you. There are many books and websites online that will offer questionnaires that can be used to determine predominate Dosha. A comprehensive one can be found by clicking on: Dosha Diagnostic Test

Summary: Ayurveda offers specifically personalized recommendations for every individual which range from general lifestyle changes to the treatment of disease. For this reason, Ayurveda can truly be called a system of individualized health care, something remarkably different from the Western approach of “one-pill for all.” Since the Doshas are used to detect imbalances before the manifestation of disease, Ayurveda is also considered a complete system of preventative medicine.

Recovering from Antibiotic Use (or over-use?)…

Antibiotics, it seems as if practically everyone is taking them now. Ironically, in developed countries such as the United States and Canada, the average child gets 10 to 20 courses of antibiotics by the time they reach age 18. Furthermore, studies have shown that doctors all too often prescribe antibiotics before they even know whether an infection is viral or bacterial. If the illness is due to a virus, antibiotics can’t and won’t help.

Antibiotics were introduced more than 50 years ago and at that time they were thought to be a cure all. However, recent studies show that antibiotic overuse doesn’t just lead to the emergence of drug resistant “superbugs;” it may also permanently wipe out the body’s beneficial bacteria.

Antibiotic treatment for colds and other viral illnesses not only doesn’t work, but it has also developed a dangerous side effect. Over time, this practice helps bad bacteria grow and even flourish becoming more of a challenge to kill because of their resistance to the drugs.

So it has been scientifically established that frequent and/or inappropriate treatment with antibiotics causes bacteria (and other microbes) to resist the effects of the treatment. So it has become common practice to treat these resistant bacteria with higher doses of medicine or stronger antibiotics. And, now we’ve reached a point where because of antibiotic overuse, certain bacteria have become resistant to many of the most powerful antibiotics available today.

This antibiotic (or bacterial) resistance is a widespread problem, and one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls “one of the world’s most pressing public health problems.” Bacteria that were once highly responsive to antibiotics have become increasingly resistant. Among the many ailments and diseases that are becoming harder to treat are the “pneumococcal infections” (which are the cause of pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, and meningitis), plus many types of skin infections, and even tuberculosis.

So, let’s take a look at what an antibiotic really is?

  • – Anti = “against”, “opposed to.”
  • – Biotic = “pertaining to life”, “of or relating to living organisms.”

The word antibiotic comes from the Greek anti meaning ‘against’ and bios meaning ‘life’ (a bacterium is a life form).’ An antibiotic is also known as antibacterial, and as we all know antibiotics are drugs intended to be used to treat infections caused by bacteria.

But here’s the hitch; some bacteria are not harmful, and many are not only good for us, but necessary for our health and survival.

The ideal balance between the bacteria in your body is 85 percent good and 15 percent bad. This ratio between the “good” bacteria and the other bacteria is one of the critical factors determining your optimal health, as the good bacteria are essential for:

  • – The proper development of your immune system
  • – Protection against over-growth of other microorganisms that could cause disease
  • – Digestion of food and absorption of nutrients

Antibiotics do not discriminate between good bacteria and bad. As a human being, you have three to four pounds of beneficial bacteria living within your intestines along with a variety of yeasts (including Candida). All these microbes compete for the nutrients in the food you eat. In a healthy organism, the strength in numbers that beneficial bacteria enjoy keeps the ever-present yeasts in check, which causes them to produce nutrients such as the B vitamins.

However, every time you ingest antibiotics, you kill off some of the beneficial bacteria in your intestines. As these good bacteria die, the delicate balance of your intestinal terrain is upset. Yeasts grow unchecked into large colonies and take over, becoming parasitic, in a condition called dysbiosis.

Research directed by the Human Microbiome Project (which aims to catalogue and understand the microorganisms that live in the body), has shown that a bacterial environment that’s out of balance in the esophagus, stomach and intestines leads to inflammation, causing undue changes in cells that are suspected to be contributing to rises in other chronic health conditions such as obesity, asthma, and cancer.

Now on to probiotics…

  • – Pro = “for”,  “in favor of.”
  • – Biotic = “pertaining to life”, “of or relating to living organisms.”

The word probiotic is a composite of the Latin preposition pro (“for”) and the Greek adjective (biotic), the latter derived from the noun bios (“life”).

The probiotics in your stomach and intestines play an important role in helping numerous functions throughout the body, such as:

  • – Digesting and absorbing certain nutrients and carbohydrates.
  • – Producing vitamins, assisting the body in absorbing minerals and eliminating toxins.
  • – Keeping bad bacteria in check.
  • – Preventing allergies…These friendly bacteria train your immune system to distinguish between pathogens and non-harmful antigens, and to respond appropriately.
  • – Providing essential support to your immune system. These beneficial bacteria have a lifelong, powerful effect on both your gut’s immune system, and your systemic immune system as well.

One Washington University professor compared the functioning of this intestinal microflora in your body to that of an “ant farm that works together as an intelligence to perform an array of functions you’re unable to manage on your own.”

Natural Ways to Get Probiotics?

In the distant past and continuing today, people have used (and still use) fermented foods like sauerkraut to support their digestive health, as these foods are rich in naturally beneficial bacteria.

Fermented foods have been part of nearly every traditional culture. As far back as Roman times, people ate sauerkraut, not only because they liked its taste but because of benefits to overall health. In Asian cultures, pickled fermentations of cabbage, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, squash and carrots still exist today.

If you were to eat a diet rich in unprocessed fermented foods that have NOT been pasteurized (which kills the probiotics), then you will likely enjoy great digestive health.

On the other hand, if you eat a lot of processed foods or rely on mostly cooked foods, the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract will have a hard time remaining at an optimal level. Sugar is also an incredibly efficient fertilizer for growing bad bacteria and harmful yeasts in your intestinal tract, so if you indulge in a lot of it you’re fueling the bad bacteria. In addition to taking antibiotics, stress, pollution and other environmental factors can further upset the balance in a negative way.

Since helpful bacteria are increasingly absent in most people’s diets, it is important to purposely include foods that contain live probiotic bacteria in your diet, or take a good probiotic supplement.

Make your own Probiotics…

*Excerpted from “The Colon Health Handbook” by Robert Gray


“Cabbage is a vegetable that is teeming with lactobacteria. No starter is needed for making rejuvelac. Just start one morning by blending together 1 3/4 cups (420ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml) coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Start the blender at low speed and then advance the blender to high speed and blend for 30 more seconds. Pour into a jar, cover, and let stand at room temperature for 3 days. At this time, strain off the liquid rejuvelac. The initial batch of cabbage rejuvelac takes 3 days to mature, but succeeding batches take 24 hours each.

“Each morning after straining off the fresh rejuvelac, blend together for 30 seconds at high speed 1 1/2 cups (360ml) distilled or purified water plus 3 cups (720ml) coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Pour into a jar, add 1/4 cup (60ml) of the fresh rejuvelac just strained off, cover, shake and let stand at room temp. until the next morning.

“You can also make cabbage rejuvelac without a blender by chopping the cabbage very fine and using 2 1/2 cups (600ml) finely chopped, loosely packed cabbage listed above. The amount of distilled or purified water used should remain unchanged.

“Good quality rejuvelac tastes similar to a cross between carbonated water and the whey obtained when making yogurt. Bad quality rejuvelac has a much more putrid odor and taste and should not be consumed. Always avoid using tap water when making rejuvelac because chlorine has been added to it for the purpose of killing bacteria of any kind.

“Drink each day’s rejuvelac during the course of the day by taking 1/2 cup (120ml) 3x a day, preferably with meals.”

The Five Principles of Yoga…

The following are the five main general principles of all traditional yoga. As a holistic system, Ayurveda states that each aspect should be done in an individualized manner and according to the season and your current individual constitution (and/or imbalance) to avoid any aggravation of the “Doshas” (bodily humors that make up one’s constitution) and promote or restore health. Ayurveda and Yoga complement each other for an overall balanced and healthy lifestyle.

These Five Principles of Yoga are the basis of attaining a healthy body and mind through the Practice of Yoga.

The Five Principles:

Principle 1: Proper Relaxation

By releasing the tension in the muscles and putting the whole body at rest, you revitalize your Nervous System and achieve inner peace, making you feel relaxed and refreshed. This relaxed feeling is carried over into all your activities and helps you conserve your energy and let go of all worries and fears. Proper relaxation leaves you refreshed like after a good night’s sleep.

Principle 2: Proper Exercise

This principle revolves around the idea that our physical body is meant to move and exercise. Proper Exercise is achieved through the Yoga Postures or Asana which systematically works on all parts of the body – stretches and tones the Muscles and Ligaments, enhances the flexibility of the spine and the joints, and improves Blood Circulation. The asanas are designed to regulate the physical and physiological functions of the body. Practicing these Yoga Poses makes your body relaxed, gives you more strength and energy, and rejuvenates the various systems of the body. The Yoga Posture goes together with Proper Breathing. Each movement and stretch should be guided by your breath, making your movement and your breath coordinated; feeling like one and the same. The execution of the Asana is beneficial to the body, and at the same time contributes to spiritual and mental growth.

Principle 3: Proper Breathing

This means breathing fully and rhythmically, making use of all the parts of your lungs to increase your oxygen intake. Proper Breathing should be deep, slow and rhythmical. To achieve this, you need to be able to regulate the length and duration of your inhalation, exhalation, and the retention of air in your lungs or the pauses between breath. Yoga Breathing Exercises or Pranayama teaches you on how you can recharge your body and control your mental state by regulating the flow of Prana – the life force. This helps you achieve a calmer and more focused mind, and increases your energy level.

Principle 4: Proper Diet

What you eat extremely affects your mind. Improper diet results to mental inefficiency and blocks spiritual awareness. Proper Diet is one that nourishes both mind and body. It should be well balanced and based on natural foods. Proper Diet in Yoga also means eating in moderation and eating only when you are hungry. We sometimes tend to eat when we are upset, using food to fill the gap or the emptiness that we feel. Bad eating habits will cause our senses to be dull that we won’t even notice how much we eat or how it tastes and may result to diet related ailments like Obesity and Diabetes. Food should sustain our body. It should keep the body light and supple, the mind calm, and it should also help in keeping a strong immune system.

Principle 5: Positive Thinking and Meditation

The way we think highly affects our way of life. Practice keeping a positive outlook in life, this will facilitate in having a peaceful mind. Positive thinking and Meditation helps you remove negative thoughts and place your mind under perfect control.

* The first 4 yoga principles mentioned above will strongly support your meditation practice (the 5th principle) by providing you with the necessary tools to attain (and maintain) a healthy body and mind, calmness and peace, as well as discipline and inner strength.

5 Positive Lifestyle Changes for the New Year (Part 4)

Are you in a rut? Are you feeling like you’re losing your “touch”? Is complacency becoming the norm? Maybe what you need are some basic lifestyle changes. In the coming days we will review five suggestions for the New Year to help improve your health and overall wellbeing – helpful advice that may also initiate a sense of self-renewal and give you more energy, which in turn will give you a whole new outlook on life.

To review part 1, click on: Go on a cleanse or detox diet.

To review part 2, click on: Improve your dietary choices

To review part 3, click on: Find a daily activity that insures you’re getting enough exercise.

Here’s part 4…

4. Pick one habit or trait that is detrimental to your health and eliminate it.

Bad habits often have a huge effect on your life and what makes these habits so challenging and hard to change is the reality that they usually aren’t based on well thought out choices and decisions, so using logic to eliminate them is oftentimes unproductive. Think about it; for instance, everyone who smokes cigarettes knows without a doubt they are bad for them, but that knowledge doesn’t help them much when the try to quit. They require a bit of strategy to overcome.

Try these strategic tips to help get you rid yourself of these habits and get your life and health back on track:

Replace a bad habit, rather than simply trying to drop it. You must have felt some benefit to the habit or you wouldn’t have allowed it to become a part of your life. Consider substituting something positive as a replacement for that which was given up. Examples: When craving a cigarette, sit down and breathe slowly and deeply, visualize yourself inhaling smoke rather than clean air, you’ll be amazed at how effective that can be. If you are in the habit of being a couch-potato after dinner, instead of plopping down in front of the TV, take the dog for a walk or find some other semi-pleasurable chore to engage. Use your imagination, you’re bound to come up with some sort of practical substitution.

Don’t take on too many things at once; deal with one challenge at a time. Perhaps you’ve decided you want to quit smoking, improve your diet and start an exercise program…all that would be overwhelming and you’d probably cave on all three. Pick just one; give yourself a month or so. Then, once you have a handle on that, add another one and give that a month.

Have patience with yourself; don’t be in such a hurry. Think how happy you’d be if you could get rid of your four worst habits. By dealing with one habit at a time as recommended above, that’s only four months, which is a relatively short time if you consider how long you’ve had each habit.

Learn to recognize the triggers that prompt bad cravings and/or your addictive tendencies and remove them. If your intention is to improve your diet, get rid of all the junk food in your house and go to the bathroom or simply walk away when those tempting TV commercials come on. Most habits don’t have a much of thought behind them, they’re a lot like reflexes without sensory stimulation they have little power.

Tell any friends who may be sympathetic and supportive. These friends can help you reach your goal by reminding you should you stray from your purpose.

If you’re going to start a regular exercising regime, be consistent; schedule yourself so that you do it at the same time each day. Many find this to be much easier than trying to exercise 3 or 4 times a week.

Stay motivated, keep reminding yourself that there’s no better feeling than knowing you have control over your life. Your self-esteem will soar as you realize you’re a victor and no longer a victim of your bad habits.


5 Positive Lifestyle Changes for the New Year (Part 3)

Are you in a rut? Are you feeling like you’re losing your “touch”? Is complacency becoming the norm? Maybe what you need are some basic lifestyle changes. In the coming days we will review five suggestions for the New Year to help improve your health and overall wellbeing – helpful advice that may also initiate a sense of self-renewal and give you more energy, which in turn will give you a whole new outlook on life.

To review part 1, click on: Go on a cleanse or detox diet.

To review part 2, click on: Improve your dietary choices

Here’s part 3…

3. Find a daily activity that insures you’re getting enough exercise.

Studies show that low to moderately intense activities can have some short and long-term benefits. If done daily, they may help lower your risk of heart disease. Activities such as pleasure walking, climbing stairs, gardening, yard work, moderate housework and dancing help, but ask yourself, is that enough? By engaging in more vigorous exercise, you can greatly improve the overall fitness of both the heart and lungs, which provides much more consistent benefits for lowering heart disease risk plus a host of other physical advantages such as better digestion, elimination of toxins, improved liver and kidney function and weight loss, to name a few.

Many people are now discovering (or rediscovering) the awesome benefits of regular, vigorous exercise; activities like swimming, brisk walking (or hiking), running, or working out at a gym or fitness center. These forms of exercise are generally called “aerobic,” meaning the body uses oxygen to produce the energy needed for the activity. An aerobic exercise will elevate your heartbeat (cardiovascular) and makes you sweat, and contrary to popular belief, Yoga IS an aerobic or cardiovascular exercise and can condition your heart and lungs if performed at the proper intensity for at least 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Ashtanga Yoga, Hot Yoga, Power Yoga are perfect examples.

So, you don’t have to train like a professional athlete or marathon runner to become more physically fit! Any activity that gets you moving around, gets you heart beating and causes you to break a sweat will work, and even if it’s done for just a few minutes each day it’s better than exercise at all. For sedentary or inactive people, the trick is getting started. Once started, exercising in the company of other like-minded people will keep you on track and motivated.


There are many benefits experienced by people who get regular physical activity, here’s a few…

Exercise helps you feel better because it:


  • gives you more energy
  • helps you cope with stress
  • improves your self esteem and self-image
  • increases your resistance to fatigue
  • counters anxiety and depression
  • enables you to relax and feel less tense
  • improves your ability to sleep more soundly
  • provides an easy way to share an activity and an opportunity to meet new friends


It helps you look better because it:


  • shapes & tones your muscles
  • burns off calories to help lose extra pounds or helps you maintain your desired weight
  • helps control your appetite
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • improves your posture
  • Gives you a healthy glow (from increased circulation)

Additionally, aerobic or cardiovascular exercise fights the onset of age-related disease, lifts your spirits and sense of well-being, increases your lung capacity so you can take in more oxygen, boosts circulation to deliver nutrients to cells and skin, lowers inflammation, and, for many, is said to be the ultimate stress reducer.

5 Positive Lifestyle Changes for the New Year (Part 2)

Are you in a rut? Are you feeling like you’re losing your “touch”? Is complacency becoming the norm? Maybe what you need are some basic lifestyle changes. In the coming days we will review five suggestions for the New Year to help improve your health and overall wellbeing – helpful advice that may also initiate a sense of self-renewal and give you more energy, which in turn will give you a whole new outlook on life. To review part 1, click on:  Go on a cleanse or detox diet.

Here’s part 2…

2. Improve your dietary choices

Everyone who knows Rae Indigo knows quite well she practices and promotes a plant-based (vegan) diet, and ultimately recommends that for all her students. Rae leads retreats worldwide, including diet & nutrition programs that provide students with the knowledge, experience and skills to use proper food choices to transform their lives from the inside out, deliciously, enjoyably and with purpose.

Knowing that it is very hard to instantly (and completely) switch over to a plant-based diet, this article will share some simple ways that anyone can use to improve their diet. Anyone who practices these habits and incorporates them into their daily lives will vouch for their benefits. Here are 7 ways to get you started and headed in the right direction…

1. Eat a colorful diet. And this doesn’t mean different colors of candy. Make it a habit to include at least five different colored foods (preferably fruits and veggies) a day into your diet. Some suggestions…Instead of the standard American breakfast of eggs, home fries and bacon, make a smoothie in your blender with a banana, some blueberries, strawberries, OJ and almond milk. For lunch, toss some salad greens with grated carrot, tomato and bell pepper strips. For a mid day snack, have an orange or an apple. For dinner, baked butternut squash filled with blanched peas and carrots and some brown rice on the side.

2. Exchange or eliminate refined sugars and sweets. Candy and most sweets are loaded with high fructose corn syrup and other additives that are bad for your health. So when your sweet tooth is calling, satisfy that craving with items that are naturally sweet. Stock your kitchen with dried fruits, homemade trail mix or cacao bits. Make sure you have plenty of fresh, seasonal fruit in your fridge (like peaches, apricots, grapes, berries or cherries). Melon kabobs are a quick and easy sweet snack for the whole family. Without sacrificing your health, you can still indulge your sweet cravings by snacking sensibly.

3. Prepare more meals at home. Preparing raw dishes or cooking at home not only saves you money but it also keeps you in complete control of what you are putting into your body. You are certain of all the ingredients that go into the dishes that you make. If you learn to plan ahead, the task of cooking at home becomes a joy, and it doesn’t need to be time consuming either. By using recipes that give you several days’ worth of meals you won’t have to slave over the stove for hours every day.

4. Buy locally and eat seasonal foods, selecting organic fruits and veggies whenever possible and/or practical. By shopping wisely you’ll find there are a variety of different fruits, vegetables and grains that are available at different times throughout the year. Whenever seasonal produce is available, you not only save money (since items aren’t overpriced due to importing costs), but you also get more flavor. This practice keeps you from getting bored and sustains your motivation to eat well, allowing you to consume a variety of different and beneficial nutrients.

5. Start a small indoor container garden. Growing your own food is a great way to add variety and flavor to your meals during the off season when your outdoor garden is asleep. Going outside to pick a few fresh things to add to your meal is very rewarding, but for many this is not possible all year ‘round. Depending on the amount of room you have (and window space), you can grow anything from tomatoes and peppers, radishes and lettuce, chives, parsley and herbs, and even if you have limited space, sprouts are always a nice addition. Not only do the things you grow taste amazing, they’re practically free.

6. Buy things like grains, beans, lentils, and seeds in bulk. Perhaps start a coop with like minded friends. In most cases this will help you save money, reduce waste, and keep your pantry well stocked. Having these items on hand you can quickly put a healthy meal together, helping you to resist the temptation to get take out.  They key is to remember what you have and occasionally rotate your supplies so they don’t go to waste.

7. Rather than one or two large meals a day, eat smaller meals multiple times a day. By eating small amounts of food throughout the day you’ll keep your blood sugar levels normal, preventing you from allowing your blood sugar get too low, which makes you feel like you’re starving, often leading to binge eating. This also helps you control your portion sizes keeping your stomach from being stretched. Most importantly perhaps, by eating regularly throughout the day you’ll keep your metabolism fired-up. In order for metabolism to continually burn calories it needs fuel.

Improving your dietary choices really isn’t all that difficult. As you can see, these seven small changes will improve your overall fitness, motivating and prompting you to continue to look for ways to further achieve your goal of an optimal state of health and wellbeing.

Stay tuned for part 3. – Find a daily activity that insures you’re getting enough exercise.

5 Positive Lifestyle Changes for the New Year (part 1)

Are you in a rut? Are you feeling like you’re losing your “touch”? Is complacency becoming the norm? Maybe what you need are some basic lifestyle changes. In the coming days we will review five suggestions for the New Year to help improve your health and overall wellbeing – helpful advice that may also initiate a sense of self-renewal and give you more energy, which in turn will give you a whole new outlook on life. Here’s part 1 of 5…

1.    Go on a cleanse or detox diet.

Cleansing can be compared to a knife that cuts away much superficiality, getting right to the heart of the matter. Effectively, a cleanse works on deeper levels than most of us realize because it is able to break up our daily patterns, those patterns upon which we have become so dependent (our comfort zones). When those patterns of pleasure or selfish indulgence are disrupted, we are left with our own internal resources. If those resources are bankrupt, then during a cleanse, you may come face to face with a vacuum that only your inner self (Self) can fill.

A proper detoxification program also applies pressure to the physical body and we may be appalled at how much the body will squirm and resist. But it is high time that the body be put in perspective with the role of our own inner (spiritual/essential) self. Cleansing dethrones and places the body under the jurisdiction of our will. It is this creativity of a freed will which lifts us above our animal instincts and releases us from the cages of our monotonous and empty routine.

Cleansing accomplishes two purposes. First, it will reveal how much the physical appetites have taken control of our emotions. And secondly, it will serve in breaking the body’s habitual cravings and the power they hold upon the will.

An extended cleanse (a week or longer) will invariably bring to the surface deep seated fears which affect thinking and decision-making. It does this by challenging that complex human instinct called self-preservation. This instinct has been created in every living thing on earth, including us. But we are able to choose to “recreate” ourselves, building a new life not to be controlled by old habits and base instincts. Because of our ability to make these life changing choices, we will have the power to recreate ourselves into a radiant being of a higher and grander design than that of our former life.

Cleansing compels us to face the chaos of our addictions, compulsive behaviors, depression and internal pain. It’s like pressing the pause button of life, and quietly observing how crazy and detached we have become to who we really are.

So, IMHO, a deep bodily cleanse will do much more than help us to detox our bodies and lose those extra pounds, it also clears our mind, purifies our soul and frees our spirit for a better reception of the healthy, spiritual life intended for us. This blessing is our birthright and all we have to do is remove the obstacles we have placed in our own way.

Set aside a day, a weekend, a week or even longer to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew yourself. Everyone can benefit from a good cleansing, especially following the holiday season and all its delightful indulgences. It’s a great way to jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life.

Keep in mind our bodies are continuously and naturally detoxifying every day. Detoxification is the normal process of eliminating and/or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and even the skin. All the days of our lives our hearts beat nonstop and our lungs breathe in and out continuously; just so our metabolic processes also work continuously, attempting to dispose of wastes and toxic matter as fast as we accumulate it.

Despite all its efforts, the environmental toxins of modern-day life; the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances, are more than the average body can handle. Whenever the body becomes overburdened and doesn’t know what to do with all these foreign substances, it will store them somewhere inaccessible to these regular elimination systems, and to keep us from getting poisoned those toxins start building up in our body fat.

It is common, at this time of the year to feel “congested” or “out of sorts” from too much food or the wrong kinds of food and you may want to consider a good detox program. If your energy seems low, if you’re feeling sluggish or maybe you’ve been taking some medications that have not yet been eliminated from your system, a detoxification regime will probably help you feel better, restoring your health and your sense of wellbeing.


Stay tuned for part 2. – “Improve your dietary choices.”

The Miracle of Oatmeal Water

The “Oatmeal Water” remedy suggested in this article provides you with a great tool for quick relief and healing from from head and chest colds, sinus and ear infections, or practically anything involving your mucous membranes.

Oatmeal Water

  • 4 heaping Tbsp. (or more – I use a large handful) oatmeal
  • 4 quarts of water

Use organic rolled oats, (not instant; they lack the slippery smoothness that is so important here). Bring the water to a boil, add oatmeal, reduce heat to simmer and cook slowly for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let sit until almost cool, whisk mixture and strain out the oatmeal; the cloudy water that’s left is oatmeal water. Shake well before pouring into a glass. Feel free to drink copious quantities of this oatmeal water all day long; it produces clean, clear and healthy mucous that flushes out the old mucous that is contaminated with all sorts of stuff, including pus; this old mucus is a breeding ground for bacterial and viral infection. Keep yourself supplied with new batches of this oatmeal water until you are completely recovered and have no more symptoms.

The water from oats cooked this way is mucilaginous and offers a gentle slipperiness to our mucous membranes, aiding greatly in cleansing the tissues of the mouth, nose, sinus cavities, throat and lungs. It also detoxifys and eliminates the nasty, sticky and toxic mucous coating that is over-acidic and loaded with germs. Gone will be the days of dry, sore nostrils when you can’t keep from sneezing and blowing your nose. No scratchy throat either. You’ll cough up and expel large amounts of unhealthy mucous, replacing it with an uncontaminated, slippery and healthy mucous.

What do we need mucous for?

When the body needs to rid itself of bacteria, viruses or other intruders, white blood cells hunt them down and envelop them in mucous – just like the bees encase all hive invaders in wax to keep them contained. This mucous is then expelled by the strong forced ‘exhales’ called coughs and sneezes to help the contaminated mucous leave the body. It’s a very effective and self- sufficient system as long as we encourage it to follow its natural course. Whenever we suppress this function with anti-histamines and other medications (which may provide temporary relief from the symptoms), this unnatural treatment method will likely counter the body’s natural healing power allowing the actual ailment to linger for days – even weeks.

Furthermore, a clean, clear mucous is also necessary to coat the mucous membranes, soothing these sensitive tissues and keeping them from drying out, becoming sore, or even bleeding.

Testimonies to the effectiveness of this remedy…

Oatmeal water is mentioned by Jethro Kloss in his classic 70’s book “Back to Eden”.  He had read in a daily paper “…that the Great Northern Railroad had a very urgent piece of road to make. They hired a big crew of men and worked them fourteen hours a day. Instead of giving them ordinary water to drink, they gave them oatmeal water to drink, and the newspaper stated that not one man was off work on account of sickness, and it stated that never before has there been such a wonderful, healthy experience in the entire history of railroads.”

From an anonymous source…”When my daughter was 4 years old she had a very rare and deadly disease called Kawasaki’s which primarily affects only Japanese children (she is a blond and blue eyed Caucasian). She could not take anything by mouth, not even water and had a fever that ranged from 105 to 107 degrees. The doctors could not do any more for her and gave up telling me she would die. I started giving her eyedroppers full of oatmeal water, and within hours she could take teaspoon fulls, the next day she was able to drink the oatmeal water from a glass. Within 4 more days her body temperature was normal and she was released from the hospital. The doctors predicted she would suffer heart and brain defects as a result, and none of that happened. She is now 35 years old and the proud mother of my 3 year old granddaughter. IMHO, oatmeal water saved her life!”

Additional notes:

It is recommended you drink oatmeal water whenever you feel “out of sorts” or if you’re in the company of others who are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc. Keep in mind, this as much a preventative as a cure, it lubricates the whole system including the entire digestive track.

Oatmeal water can also be used in a multitude of other ways, including a soup base or an ingredient in a smoothie, so be creative.

Whey Protein Supplements vs Plant-Based Proteins

Whey protein products are regarded by most fitness enthusiasts as a supplemental staple for athletes and bodybuilders; claiming it’s the ultimate source of protein and they sometimes even go to the extreme of saying it’s the highest quality protein available.

On the other hand there are multiple studies which show that most athletes can easily meet their daily protein requirements from a plant-based diet alone. And for many people whey protein can cause bloating and stomach upset actually bogging them down.

It is unfortunate that most trainers, athletes and bodybuilders are persuaded by what they read in exercise and bodybuilding magazines. And, more times than not, this is worse than getting nutritional information from a comic book.

Americans, in general, are on a protein binge; brainwashed with misinformation that has been drilled into them since childhood. Ironically, most of the educational materials used in public schools have been provided (for free) by the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and this has been the case for more than seventy years. These industrial giants have successfully lobbied the government, resulting in favorable laws, subsidies, and advertising propaganda that generates huge corporate profits at the expense of our national health. As a result, Americans have been, and continue to be, programmed with dangerous information, and protein supplements (especially whey) are recommended for anyone who pursues any sort of athletic endeavor; this in addition to their recommended diet which already contains excessive amounts of meat, dairy, etc. Most of us were raised on tall glasses of milk, grilled chicken salads at restaurants, large omelets filled with cheese, and in some instances, whey protein shakes. (And that’s referring to the most nutritionally-conscious of us. Many folks still think vegetables mean French fries, or perhaps the single leaf of iceberg lettuce on a bacon double cheeseburger.)

One question that might be asked is just how many people don’t get very far in their athletic career because they spend much of their exercise time and energy burning off or eliminating all the toxic sludge they put in their body. Whey, which is the watery byproduct of cheese production used to be discarded and dumped into waterways until environmental concerns caused cheese manufacturers to take a second look at this practice. Once they discovered that they could actually profit by selling whey as a protein source, whey was no longer dumped, but became a food supplement and additive, backed by a massive ad campaign.

Plant-based eating is a relatively new and undiscovered territory for most North Americans. So, when deciding to add more veggies to their diet to be “healthier” or “more environmentally friendly”, that addition might include refined sugars and grains, highly processed soy-based meat substitutes, Twizzlers, pizza, beer and other unhealthy foodstuffs. While this kind of food substituting is beneficial for the animals, and (depending on how these pseudo-foods were produced) better for the planet, it might not be so helpful for our health, body composition and general wellbeing.

Many sincere, informed vegan and/or vegetarian’s diets include juicing and blending, primarily due to the nutritional density and ease of digestion of vegetables and fruits consumed in this way.

Other plant-based foods are also easily digested and absorbed, they consume less energy to produce more energy, and this allows for a healthier, more efficient gastrointestinal tract in the active athlete. Indeed, many athletes who switch to a plant-based diet report feeling an almost immediate surge in energy.

Additionally, many athletes who have used whey protein supplements as a part of bodybuilding or other exercise regime have noted that the muscles they build are not maintained, and disappear quickly when the whey protein is discontinued.  Plant-based proteins are different.

If you feel the need to further supplement your plant-based diet with natural protein, here’s a couple alternatives to whey and/or other concentrated animal–based proteins…

Chlorella, Spirulina and blue-green algae are concentrated forms of plant-based proteins.  They are 100% whole food from the ocean/plant kingdom. This type of complete protein is 100% assimilated by the body, is nutritionally dense, full of minerals and chlorophyll. Additionally, you will gain the extra benefit of it assisting your body in detoxification, including the elimination of heavy metals and radiation. This type of protein will build extremely strong, dense and long lasting muscle tissue.

And another is hemp protein powder.  This concentrated supplement closely resembles the protein of the human body.  It is easy to digest and contains all of the essential amino acids that the body requires, including Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, acids that whey protein is lacking.

Many trainers and other fitness enthusiasts, especially those interested in bodybuilding love to make the claim that a plant-based protein simply cannot promote muscle growth as effectively as animal derived protein (like whey).  However, it’s not difficult to observe how herbivores like cows, horses and even gorillas possess lean, strong muscles.  In fact, many bodybuilders who have changed from whey to a plant-based protein have noted that the muscle tissue built from plant-based protein is more solid, very dense and resists deteriorating over time.

For more on America’s obsession with supplemental proteins please read the following, click on: 3 Myths About Protein and a Plant-Based Diet

How Inflammatory is Your Diet?

Are you aware that the foods you eat every day may be the cause of chronic inflammation in the body and put you at risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and even some forms of dementia?

Basically there are two types of inflammation that can be present in the human body: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is most often useful, but chronic inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and ailments.

Inflammation is one of the common natural responses the body has to the healing process. Acute inflammation works great for healing a cut or a bruise. The body’s white blood cells and their chemicals get into the affected area, do their job and get out. But too much of a good thing leads to problems. Chronic inflammation will damage, rather than repair, healthy tissues and cells. When inflammation is too intense and/or prolonged, it produces sickness and disease instead of healing.

When your chosen lifestyle includes an unhealthy or poor diet, you’re setting the stage for chronic inflammation to damage your body, establishing a constant irritation, quite possibly throughout the whole body; damaging arteries, which can lead to heart disease or dementia, aggravating tissues and cells, which can lead to cancer, diabetes, or irritating joints and connective tissue resulting in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The sad part is chronic inflammation is a silent condition; you may even have chronic inflammation and not know it.

Foods that commonly cause inflammation:

Are you wondering if your diet is high in inflammation-provoking foods yet? Dietary foods that trigger chronic inflammation in the body include many of the fats in meat and dairy products, refined sugars, saturated and hydrogenated oils, processed and fast foods, bleached and enriched grains, fried foods, pastries, plus processed meats like hot dogs and deli items. A specific omega-6 fat, called arachidonic acid, found in most meats, is a particularly potent inflammation promoter. Check your kitchen supplies and throw out these inflammatory foods, then eliminate them completely from your diet.

Additionally, those who are overweight have an increased risk of chronic inflammation. Most possibly this occurs because the body’s fatty tissues store arachidonic acid, increasing the supply of this damaging, inflammatory chemical.

The solution:

Make antioxidant-rich plant-based foods a staple in your diet and eat more vegetables and fruit. The more phytochemical-rich fruits and vegetables you eat, the more you boost your immune system which naturally defends the body against inflammation and disease. Once you develop an appetite for antioxidants, you’ll feel more energy and notice an almost immediate improvement in overall health. Antioxidants are the key to disease prevention and the reduction of inflammation. Extra-virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, whole grains, things like green tea and certain spices (e.g.; turmeric and ginger), prevent much of the tissue damage that would otherwise trigger an inflammatory response. Proper food selection insures that you’re getting the best dietary sources of antioxidants, like vitamin C, beta carotene, and thousands of essential phytonutrients. Antioxidants block free radicals (highly reactive oxygen fragments) that if allowed free reign, would damage the genetic code, cell membranes and proteins, leading to heart disease, cancer, dementia and more.

Additionally, you should also know that no amount of dieting will drastically improve your health unless you also adapt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You’ll find it very helpful to exercise daily, cut back on stress and reduce your exposure to toxins as much as possible; if you do this, your body will repay you a thousand-fold.

So…What are you waiting for?