Tag Archives: RAE INDIGO

5 Positive Lifestyle Changes for the New Year (part 1)

Are you in a rut? Are you feeling like you’re losing your “touch”? Is complacency becoming the norm? Maybe what you need are some basic lifestyle changes. In the coming days we will review five suggestions for the New Year to help improve your health and overall wellbeing – helpful advice that may also initiate a sense of self-renewal and give you more energy, which in turn will give you a whole new outlook on life. Here’s part 1 of 5…

1.    Go on a cleanse or detox diet.

Cleansing can be compared to a knife that cuts away much superficiality, getting right to the heart of the matter. Effectively, a cleanse works on deeper levels than most of us realize because it is able to break up our daily patterns, those patterns upon which we have become so dependent (our comfort zones). When those patterns of pleasure or selfish indulgence are disrupted, we are left with our own internal resources. If those resources are bankrupt, then during a cleanse, you may come face to face with a vacuum that only your inner self (Self) can fill.

A proper detoxification program also applies pressure to the physical body and we may be appalled at how much the body will squirm and resist. But it is high time that the body be put in perspective with the role of our own inner (spiritual/essential) self. Cleansing dethrones and places the body under the jurisdiction of our will. It is this creativity of a freed will which lifts us above our animal instincts and releases us from the cages of our monotonous and empty routine.

Cleansing accomplishes two purposes. First, it will reveal how much the physical appetites have taken control of our emotions. And secondly, it will serve in breaking the body’s habitual cravings and the power they hold upon the will.

An extended cleanse (a week or longer) will invariably bring to the surface deep seated fears which affect thinking and decision-making. It does this by challenging that complex human instinct called self-preservation. This instinct has been created in every living thing on earth, including us. But we are able to choose to “recreate” ourselves, building a new life not to be controlled by old habits and base instincts. Because of our ability to make these life changing choices, we will have the power to recreate ourselves into a radiant being of a higher and grander design than that of our former life.

Cleansing compels us to face the chaos of our addictions, compulsive behaviors, depression and internal pain. It’s like pressing the pause button of life, and quietly observing how crazy and detached we have become to who we really are.

So, IMHO, a deep bodily cleanse will do much more than help us to detox our bodies and lose those extra pounds, it also clears our mind, purifies our soul and frees our spirit for a better reception of the healthy, spiritual life intended for us. This blessing is our birthright and all we have to do is remove the obstacles we have placed in our own way.

Set aside a day, a weekend, a week or even longer to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew yourself. Everyone can benefit from a good cleansing, especially following the holiday season and all its delightful indulgences. It’s a great way to jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life.

Keep in mind our bodies are continuously and naturally detoxifying every day. Detoxification is the normal process of eliminating and/or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and even the skin. All the days of our lives our hearts beat nonstop and our lungs breathe in and out continuously; just so our metabolic processes also work continuously, attempting to dispose of wastes and toxic matter as fast as we accumulate it.

Despite all its efforts, the environmental toxins of modern-day life; the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances, are more than the average body can handle. Whenever the body becomes overburdened and doesn’t know what to do with all these foreign substances, it will store them somewhere inaccessible to these regular elimination systems, and to keep us from getting poisoned those toxins start building up in our body fat.

It is common, at this time of the year to feel “congested” or “out of sorts” from too much food or the wrong kinds of food and you may want to consider a good detox program. If your energy seems low, if you’re feeling sluggish or maybe you’ve been taking some medications that have not yet been eliminated from your system, a detoxification regime will probably help you feel better, restoring your health and your sense of wellbeing.


Stay tuned for part 2. – “Improve your dietary choices.”

The Miracle of Oatmeal Water

The “Oatmeal Water” remedy suggested in this article provides you with a great tool for quick relief and healing from from head and chest colds, sinus and ear infections, or practically anything involving your mucous membranes.

Oatmeal Water

  • 4 heaping Tbsp. (or more – I use a large handful) oatmeal
  • 4 quarts of water

Use organic rolled oats, (not instant; they lack the slippery smoothness that is so important here). Bring the water to a boil, add oatmeal, reduce heat to simmer and cook slowly for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let sit until almost cool, whisk mixture and strain out the oatmeal; the cloudy water that’s left is oatmeal water. Shake well before pouring into a glass. Feel free to drink copious quantities of this oatmeal water all day long; it produces clean, clear and healthy mucous that flushes out the old mucous that is contaminated with all sorts of stuff, including pus; this old mucus is a breeding ground for bacterial and viral infection. Keep yourself supplied with new batches of this oatmeal water until you are completely recovered and have no more symptoms.

The water from oats cooked this way is mucilaginous and offers a gentle slipperiness to our mucous membranes, aiding greatly in cleansing the tissues of the mouth, nose, sinus cavities, throat and lungs. It also detoxifys and eliminates the nasty, sticky and toxic mucous coating that is over-acidic and loaded with germs. Gone will be the days of dry, sore nostrils when you can’t keep from sneezing and blowing your nose. No scratchy throat either. You’ll cough up and expel large amounts of unhealthy mucous, replacing it with an uncontaminated, slippery and healthy mucous.

What do we need mucous for?

When the body needs to rid itself of bacteria, viruses or other intruders, white blood cells hunt them down and envelop them in mucous – just like the bees encase all hive invaders in wax to keep them contained. This mucous is then expelled by the strong forced ‘exhales’ called coughs and sneezes to help the contaminated mucous leave the body. It’s a very effective and self- sufficient system as long as we encourage it to follow its natural course. Whenever we suppress this function with anti-histamines and other medications (which may provide temporary relief from the symptoms), this unnatural treatment method will likely counter the body’s natural healing power allowing the actual ailment to linger for days – even weeks.

Furthermore, a clean, clear mucous is also necessary to coat the mucous membranes, soothing these sensitive tissues and keeping them from drying out, becoming sore, or even bleeding.

Testimonies to the effectiveness of this remedy…

Oatmeal water is mentioned by Jethro Kloss in his classic 70’s book “Back to Eden”.  He had read in a daily paper “…that the Great Northern Railroad had a very urgent piece of road to make. They hired a big crew of men and worked them fourteen hours a day. Instead of giving them ordinary water to drink, they gave them oatmeal water to drink, and the newspaper stated that not one man was off work on account of sickness, and it stated that never before has there been such a wonderful, healthy experience in the entire history of railroads.”

From an anonymous source…”When my daughter was 4 years old she had a very rare and deadly disease called Kawasaki’s which primarily affects only Japanese children (she is a blond and blue eyed Caucasian). She could not take anything by mouth, not even water and had a fever that ranged from 105 to 107 degrees. The doctors could not do any more for her and gave up telling me she would die. I started giving her eyedroppers full of oatmeal water, and within hours she could take teaspoon fulls, the next day she was able to drink the oatmeal water from a glass. Within 4 more days her body temperature was normal and she was released from the hospital. The doctors predicted she would suffer heart and brain defects as a result, and none of that happened. She is now 35 years old and the proud mother of my 3 year old granddaughter. IMHO, oatmeal water saved her life!”

Additional notes:

It is recommended you drink oatmeal water whenever you feel “out of sorts” or if you’re in the company of others who are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc. Keep in mind, this as much a preventative as a cure, it lubricates the whole system including the entire digestive track.

Oatmeal water can also be used in a multitude of other ways, including a soup base or an ingredient in a smoothie, so be creative.

Whey Protein Supplements vs Plant-Based Proteins

Whey protein products are regarded by most fitness enthusiasts as a supplemental staple for athletes and bodybuilders; claiming it’s the ultimate source of protein and they sometimes even go to the extreme of saying it’s the highest quality protein available.

On the other hand there are multiple studies which show that most athletes can easily meet their daily protein requirements from a plant-based diet alone. And for many people whey protein can cause bloating and stomach upset actually bogging them down.

It is unfortunate that most trainers, athletes and bodybuilders are persuaded by what they read in exercise and bodybuilding magazines. And, more times than not, this is worse than getting nutritional information from a comic book.

Americans, in general, are on a protein binge; brainwashed with misinformation that has been drilled into them since childhood. Ironically, most of the educational materials used in public schools have been provided (for free) by the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and this has been the case for more than seventy years. These industrial giants have successfully lobbied the government, resulting in favorable laws, subsidies, and advertising propaganda that generates huge corporate profits at the expense of our national health. As a result, Americans have been, and continue to be, programmed with dangerous information, and protein supplements (especially whey) are recommended for anyone who pursues any sort of athletic endeavor; this in addition to their recommended diet which already contains excessive amounts of meat, dairy, etc. Most of us were raised on tall glasses of milk, grilled chicken salads at restaurants, large omelets filled with cheese, and in some instances, whey protein shakes. (And that’s referring to the most nutritionally-conscious of us. Many folks still think vegetables mean French fries, or perhaps the single leaf of iceberg lettuce on a bacon double cheeseburger.)

One question that might be asked is just how many people don’t get very far in their athletic career because they spend much of their exercise time and energy burning off or eliminating all the toxic sludge they put in their body. Whey, which is the watery byproduct of cheese production used to be discarded and dumped into waterways until environmental concerns caused cheese manufacturers to take a second look at this practice. Once they discovered that they could actually profit by selling whey as a protein source, whey was no longer dumped, but became a food supplement and additive, backed by a massive ad campaign.

Plant-based eating is a relatively new and undiscovered territory for most North Americans. So, when deciding to add more veggies to their diet to be “healthier” or “more environmentally friendly”, that addition might include refined sugars and grains, highly processed soy-based meat substitutes, Twizzlers, pizza, beer and other unhealthy foodstuffs. While this kind of food substituting is beneficial for the animals, and (depending on how these pseudo-foods were produced) better for the planet, it might not be so helpful for our health, body composition and general wellbeing.

Many sincere, informed vegan and/or vegetarian’s diets include juicing and blending, primarily due to the nutritional density and ease of digestion of vegetables and fruits consumed in this way.

Other plant-based foods are also easily digested and absorbed, they consume less energy to produce more energy, and this allows for a healthier, more efficient gastrointestinal tract in the active athlete. Indeed, many athletes who switch to a plant-based diet report feeling an almost immediate surge in energy.

Additionally, many athletes who have used whey protein supplements as a part of bodybuilding or other exercise regime have noted that the muscles they build are not maintained, and disappear quickly when the whey protein is discontinued.  Plant-based proteins are different.

If you feel the need to further supplement your plant-based diet with natural protein, here’s a couple alternatives to whey and/or other concentrated animal–based proteins…

Chlorella, Spirulina and blue-green algae are concentrated forms of plant-based proteins.  They are 100% whole food from the ocean/plant kingdom. This type of complete protein is 100% assimilated by the body, is nutritionally dense, full of minerals and chlorophyll. Additionally, you will gain the extra benefit of it assisting your body in detoxification, including the elimination of heavy metals and radiation. This type of protein will build extremely strong, dense and long lasting muscle tissue.

And another is hemp protein powder.  This concentrated supplement closely resembles the protein of the human body.  It is easy to digest and contains all of the essential amino acids that the body requires, including Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, acids that whey protein is lacking.

Many trainers and other fitness enthusiasts, especially those interested in bodybuilding love to make the claim that a plant-based protein simply cannot promote muscle growth as effectively as animal derived protein (like whey).  However, it’s not difficult to observe how herbivores like cows, horses and even gorillas possess lean, strong muscles.  In fact, many bodybuilders who have changed from whey to a plant-based protein have noted that the muscle tissue built from plant-based protein is more solid, very dense and resists deteriorating over time.

For more on America’s obsession with supplemental proteins please read the following, click on: 3 Myths About Protein and a Plant-Based Diet

Yoga & Body Detoxification…

Did you know your body is designed in such a way that it will automatically engage in some form of detoxification every single day? Regular daily yoga practice is one of the best ways to insure that your body remains subtle and as toxin free as possible.

First let’s take a look at how the body actually accomplishes the task of detoxing…

The three main bodily systems employed to get rid of accumulated waste and toxic debris are the circulatory, digestive and lymph systems. Each one of these plays a crucial role in the process. The circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen to and carrying waste products away from cells. The digestive system processes the food we eat, separating nutrients from waste and eliminating anything the body doesn’t need. And the lymphatic system collects intracellular fluid from throughout the body and transports it to the lymph nodes where anything harmful (such as bacteria or other contaminants) is removed before the lymphatic fluid is returned back to the bloodstream.

Under optimal conditions, these are robust systems that work well on their own. However, in today’s world, the excessive exposure to both external and internal toxins, the many stresses that are often placed on our lives and an all too often, nutrient-poor diet place an undo demand on these systems, and yoga is an ideal solution to these problems.

How yoga facilitates cleansing

Some forms of vigorous exercise can stimulate all three of these systems of elimination to some extent. But yoga, with its focus on systematically and alternatively stretching and compressing every part of the body, is particularly well-suited to keeping the toxin/waste elimination on par and functioning well.

A well-rounded yoga practice session, engaging every part of the body, facilitates the removal of waste products, including carbon dioxide and lactic acid, and in turn stimulates lymphatic drainage in areas that traditional exercise just doesn’t reach.

Yogic breathing (pranayama) also plays an important role in promoting detoxification. Many people sit with poor posture which impedes the lungs from inflating fully, and our chronic state of low-grade stress often leads to a constricted diaphragm which further inhibits proper breathing. As a result, we aren’t able to take in as much life-sustaining oxygen when we inhale, or expel as much of the potentially hazardous carbon dioxide when we exhale.

Clear your body, clear your mind.

In addition to all the physical benefits of the poses (asanas), yoga aids in mental detoxification as well. Performing yoga helps to purge toxic thoughts by teaching you to move your awareness away from the constant “chatter of the mind” and back to the present “now” moment, a practice that’s not commonly found as a basic component of conventional fitness pursuits.

Furthermore, a regular daily yoga practice helps you to eliminate both the tangible and the intangible toxins that could otherwise keep you from feeling your best and maintaining a state of health and wellness.


Third Eye Meditation – Opening the 3rd Eye

Can you imagine what your life would have been like if you had kept your eyelids shut since you were born? Your eyes would have worked perfectly but yet your sense of vision would have gone to waste. Similarly, not opening your 3rd eye is keeping you in the dark in relation to enjoying the wonders and wisdom of your sense of mystic or spiritual sight.

This can be likened to putting shutters on a window and keeping them closed. No light comes in and those on the inside can only imagine the marvels of all that exists outside of those shutters. Unfortunately, this really leaves us in the dark about what is real, who our true Self is and what life is really all about.

While attending a secret, esoteric school in Egypt, Pythagoras was given the following technique…


Pythagoras then traveled with this technique to Greece, and consequently he became the fountainhead, the primary source of all mysticism in the West. He is recognized by many to be the father of mysticism in the West.

Attention between the eyebrows – although relatively simple, this technique is very deep. When we try to mentally comprehend this, modern physiology and scientific research, points out that between the two eyebrows is a gland which is the most mysterious part of the body. This gland, the pineal gland, is the third eye of the Tibetans; Shivanetra (the eye of the Shiva), of tantra. Between the two eyes there exists a third eye, but it is impotent, non-functioning. It’s there, it has the ability to function any moment, but it does not normally function on its own. You need to do something about it, you have to open it. It’s not blind; it is simply closed.

Now, some notes on the technique used to open the third eye…

Close your eyes, (or keep them half-open/half-closed) and look upward – not forcibly crossing your eyes, but instead, converging them slightly. Then focus both of your eyes just in the middle of the two eyebrows. Focus attention just in the middle, as if you are looking with your two eyes. Give your total attention to it. This is actually one of the simplest methods of being attentive. You cannot be attentive to any other part of the body quite as easily. This pineal gland absorbs attention like a sponge. If you give attention to it, both your eyes become mesmerized with the third eye. They become transfixed; they cannot move. The third eye catches attention; it’s like a magnet for attention. Traditions all over the world have used this method. It is simple because with a little effort in trying to be attentive, the pineal gland itself helps you; it is magnetic. Your attention is brought to it and then that attention is absorbed.

It is said in the ancient tantric scriptures that attention is food for the third eye. It is hungry; it has been hungry for your whole life. And once you pay attention to it, it becomes awake. It becomes alive! The food is given to it in the form of attention. And once you know that attention is food, attracted by the gland itself – then it is not a difficult thing. One has only to know the right point. The important thing is to bring your attention to that area. Don’t try forcibly to bring your eyes to a focus, but gaze mentally towards that point, and let the spiritual eye draw you into itself. Remember at all times keep your eyes relaxed and your brow smooth. When it becomes difficult to move them, then know you have found the right point.

Being focused on the third eye, suddenly you become a witness. Through the third eye you become the witness and you can see thoughts running through the mind like clouds in the sky or people passing on the street. While focused in the third eye, suddenly you can observe the very essence of breath, not just the breath, but the very essence of breath, which is prana.

Pythagoras’ sutra says, “Let form fill with breath essence to the top of the head…” And when you come to feel the “essence” of breathing (prana), just imagine that your head is filled with it, simply imagine that. No need for any effort. When you are focused on the third eye center and then imagine it filling all the space in your head, the “shower of light” happens, then and there – a shower of light falling down from the top of your head. This shower can recreate you; it can give you a new birth.

This 3rd eye meditation technique has the potential to throw the shutters wide open, as well as provide you with wings to transport you to the infinite, eternal, universal divine reality that is your inherent birthright.

The Importance of the Feet & Pada Bandha in Yoga

Acquainting yourself with the essential workings of your feet and the pivotal role they play in yoga is literally the foundation of productive and genuine practice. It’s the first step in attaining proper balance and body alignment.

Since antiquity devotees have considered it a privilege to touch or kiss the feet of their beloved masters and treat it as an act of reverence. Accordingly, the very first phase of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga’s invocation is, “vande gurūṇāṁ caraṇāravinde sandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhe” (Praise and adorations to the lotus feet of the Gurus, for they reveal the happiness of the true Self), acknowledging that the true yoga teachings to have “walked” down through time on the feet of the adepts.

This honoring symbolically represents the importance of the feet as the very foundation of the “temple of the body”. Since the foundation of a temple must be strong and level to support the entire structure, the feet must also be sturdy to support and balance the legs, spine, arms, and head. If our feet are tilted (turning inward or outward) or our arches are collapsed, that will be telegraphed up through the entire body producing misalignment. Ida Rolf, the world renowned body worker and the founder of “Structural Integration” (Rolfing), often pointed out, “A man’s tracks tell quite a true story. They inform quietly about ankles and knees, but they shout the news about hips and pelvis. If one foot is consistently everted (tilted onto its inner or outer edge), the ankles, the knees, and more likely, the entire pelvic basin is rotated.”

But our bodies are not static like temples, we move around, so our feet are required to be flexible and adaptable to various terrains. Simultaneously, they must be firm stabilizers. When the foot is collapsed or distorted, the resulting strain travels up into the hips and lower back, and a strong, adverse pull or twist may develop, either from side to side or back to front.

The best way to tell if your feet are everted is to look at the soles of your shoes. Do the heels wear down unevenly? If there is excessive wear on one side, the foot is shifted off its central axis, resulting in undue strain on the knees, hips, and/or lower back.

Now on to Pada Bandha…

In Sanskrit Pada is translated as feet, and Bandha as lock, and/or a “harness” that can be used to draw energy upward. Pada bandha is a group of muscles in the feet that, when engaged, cause energy (prana) to spread out. They can be compared to valves; when a valve is open, then fluid can move through it to be distributed beyond the feet into other areas of the body, but if the valve is closed, then fluid cannot move into any area beyond the valve. Engaging the Pada Bandha is like opening tiny valves in the feet for energy to move more efficiently.

Pada Bandha is engaged through lifting up the arches of the feet…Stand with your feet together. Lift your toes and gently spread them apart. While keeping the toes lifted, feel the inner edges of the balls of your feet and focus on pressing that point firmly into the mat. It’s quite useful to play around a bit with lifting and lowering the toes giving you a better feel for how the ankles and inner ankles lift up. This awakens Pada Bandha. At first it will be challenging to keep Pada Bandha engaged when you lower your toes to the floor, but with enough practice you’ll perfect it.

Generally speaking, once you cultivate mobility and support in your feet (in other words, once Pada Bandha is actively engaged), you can sustain the same lifting action to pull life force in through the feet. Without Pada Bandha, the thighs, hips, and low back lose their intelligence and they need that intelligence to stay sufficiently active.

As an activated Pada Bandha supports proper elevation in the ankles, knees, and inner groin area, it also supports the lift and firming of the pelvic floor (aka, Mula Bandha). Even though the first primary chakra (located at the perineum in the pelvic floor), is traditionally called the Root (Muladhara) Chakra, our feet provide even broader stabilizing root support for the upward moving calves and thighs of our legs. From this point of view, we have two root supports, located in the center of both feet, like a healthy tree in which the root system divides as it descends.

In addition to our formal yoga practice, we can take many simple steps to improve both the flexibility and strength of our feet. When at home, walk barefoot whenever possible. Leaving our shoes at the door not only helps to maintain a clean house, we will likely develop a greater feel for the textures and surfaces beneath our feet giving us a feeling of being grounded and “in touch” with oue surroundings. Being barefoot at home also gives us the opportunity to incorporate all sorts of “foot yoga” into our daily routines. We can even practice lifting our arches and spreading our toes in the kitchen while doing the dishes or tending to things cooking on the stove.

Additional note from Rae: It is highly recommended you get a pair of “Gel Flex Toe Stretchers”. Simply slide the soft, flexible polymer gel toe stretchers between your toes and feel the circulation and elasticity in your foot muscles and ligaments increase. Best bargain is probably on Amazon.

How Inflammatory is Your Diet?

Are you aware that the foods you eat every day may be the cause of chronic inflammation in the body and put you at risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and even some forms of dementia?

Basically there are two types of inflammation that can be present in the human body: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is most often useful, but chronic inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and ailments.

Inflammation is one of the common natural responses the body has to the healing process. Acute inflammation works great for healing a cut or a bruise. The body’s white blood cells and their chemicals get into the affected area, do their job and get out. But too much of a good thing leads to problems. Chronic inflammation will damage, rather than repair, healthy tissues and cells. When inflammation is too intense and/or prolonged, it produces sickness and disease instead of healing.

When your chosen lifestyle includes an unhealthy or poor diet, you’re setting the stage for chronic inflammation to damage your body, establishing a constant irritation, quite possibly throughout the whole body; damaging arteries, which can lead to heart disease or dementia, aggravating tissues and cells, which can lead to cancer, diabetes, or irritating joints and connective tissue resulting in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The sad part is chronic inflammation is a silent condition; you may even have chronic inflammation and not know it.

Foods that commonly cause inflammation:

Are you wondering if your diet is high in inflammation-provoking foods yet? Dietary foods that trigger chronic inflammation in the body include many of the fats in meat and dairy products, refined sugars, saturated and hydrogenated oils, processed and fast foods, bleached and enriched grains, fried foods, pastries, plus processed meats like hot dogs and deli items. A specific omega-6 fat, called arachidonic acid, found in most meats, is a particularly potent inflammation promoter. Check your kitchen supplies and throw out these inflammatory foods, then eliminate them completely from your diet.

Additionally, those who are overweight have an increased risk of chronic inflammation. Most possibly this occurs because the body’s fatty tissues store arachidonic acid, increasing the supply of this damaging, inflammatory chemical.

The solution:

Make antioxidant-rich plant-based foods a staple in your diet and eat more vegetables and fruit. The more phytochemical-rich fruits and vegetables you eat, the more you boost your immune system which naturally defends the body against inflammation and disease. Once you develop an appetite for antioxidants, you’ll feel more energy and notice an almost immediate improvement in overall health. Antioxidants are the key to disease prevention and the reduction of inflammation. Extra-virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, whole grains, things like green tea and certain spices (e.g.; turmeric and ginger), prevent much of the tissue damage that would otherwise trigger an inflammatory response. Proper food selection insures that you’re getting the best dietary sources of antioxidants, like vitamin C, beta carotene, and thousands of essential phytonutrients. Antioxidants block free radicals (highly reactive oxygen fragments) that if allowed free reign, would damage the genetic code, cell membranes and proteins, leading to heart disease, cancer, dementia and more.

Additionally, you should also know that no amount of dieting will drastically improve your health unless you also adapt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You’ll find it very helpful to exercise daily, cut back on stress and reduce your exposure to toxins as much as possible; if you do this, your body will repay you a thousand-fold.

So…What are you waiting for?

My Hero – Birke Baehr…

An Internationally recognized speaker and youth advocate for sustainable food and agriculture, Birke has visited and volunteered at farms around the United States and recently published his first book, “Birke on The Farm”.  Birke has spent the last four years traveling around the United States and Italy visiting organic farms and learning from the farmers who steward those farms. He has attended numerous organic agriculture seminars and workshops; including one with renowned farmer and author, Joel Salatin who Birke looks up to in his pursuit of new thinking about food and agriculture. Birke continues to educate himself in this genre and intends to be a sustainable organic agriculturist in the future. He has a passion for educating others, especially his peers, about the destructiveness of the industrialized food system and the enlightening alternatives of sustainable and organic farming, food and practices. At 11 years of age, Birke was the youngest presenter at TEDx Next Generation Asheville (Aug. ’10) where he gave the talk entitled, “What’s Wrong With our Food System” which became an internet sensation with close to 2,000,000 views.

Here’s the video…

And – young Birke has a website, visit it here…https://www.birkeonthefarm.com/index.html

Raw Vegan Holiday Salad Recipes

Rawsome Salads

Orange, Avocado, Spinach Salad

This salad recipe kind of sounded like an odd combination, but the flavors actually mesh pretty well together. The sweetness from the orange goes nicely with the tanginess of the lime and creaminess of the avocado.


  • 1 orange
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice
  • Dash of sea salt
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • Black pepper to taste


  • Section the orange and use a knife to cut off the skin from the sections. Try to drizzle any of the remaining juice into a small bowl.
  • In the small bowl containing the orange juice, whisk together the remaining juice, olive oil, lime juice, and sea salt.
  • In a serving bowl, add spinach and sliced avocado. Pour dressing over top and gently toss. Sprinkle with black pepper.

Creamy Sea Salad

Dulse is a popular sea vegetable that is good in soups, salads, or even sandwiches. It has a soft chewy texture and a rich reddish brown color. It can be bought in flakes or as whole stringy leaves. Dulse is a good source of protein, B-12, chlorophyll, enzymes, and fiber.


  • 2 cups mixed greens
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1/4 cup dulse flakes
  • 1/2 cucumber, diced
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1/2 cup sprouts
  • Dash sea salt
  • Dash black pepper (or to taste)


Place all ingredients into a bowl. Gently toss. Add your favorite raw dressing.


Coleslaw always seems to be the salad you take with you on picnics. When using the purple cabbage, it’s definitely one of the prettiest salads. Try it and see if it’s also one of your favorites!


1 cup purple cabbage

  • 1/2 cucumber, diced
  • 1/2 tomato, diced
  • 1 small carrot, shredded
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  •  1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 cup olive oil


Place all ingredients into a bowl and gently toss.

Simple Green Salad

This recipe is super easy and honestly, you can substitute any of the greens for ones that you like in this or any of the salad recipes. This just has a variety of greens and variety is good for your body! A list of scrumptious salad greens to insure colorful variety…

  • Arugula
  • Cabbage (green or red)
  • Chard, Swiss (green, red or rainbow)
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Endive
  • Escarole
  • Kale
  • Radicchio
  • Romaine
  • Spinach
  • Watercress

It’s easy to pick just one type of green to eat in your salad daily (baby spinach is my choice!), but it’s also nice to give your body a variety, here’s a simple suggestion to get you started.


  • 1 cup red kale
  • 1/2 cup mustard greens
  • 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1 cup arugula


  • Remove ribs from kale and mustard greens.
  • Chop all greens into bite size pieces and toss.
  • Add your favorite vegan raw dressing.

Raw Pad Thai Salad


  • 2 zucchinis, sliced into strips with a vegetable peeler
  • 2 large handfuls of bean sprouts, approx 2 cups
  • 3/4 cup chopped nuts (use almonds, peanuts or cashews)
  • 1 red or yellow bell pepper, sliced into strips
  • 4 green onions, diced
  • 1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro
  • Juice from one lime
  • 1 tablespoon raw, cold-pressed olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


Toss all ingredients together in a bowl until well coated. Add a dash more salt if desired and enjoy!

Vegan Holiday Snack Recipes

Olive Tapenade

Olive tapenade is a great spread to serve with crackers for an easy gourmet appetizer or hors d’oeuvres. This recipe, which uses two kinds of olives, making a nice color combination, adds to the appeal of the dish. This olive tapenade recipe is both vegetarian and vegan, and can be prepared in just a few minutes. You might also want to try this recipe for olive tapenade with sun dried tomatoes, or if you like spicy food, try this version of olive tapenade with peppers and hot sauce.


  • 1/2 cup black olives
  • 1/2 cup green olives
  • 1 tablespoon capers (optional)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste


In a food processor, simply process all ingredients for a few seconds, being careful not to process too finely, since tapenade should not be too smooth.

Serve with crackers, flatbread, baguette, or slices of toasted artisan bread.

Tomato and Basil Bruschetta

This easy vegan bruschetta is made with fresh tomatoes and basil and drizzled with olive oil. No cheese is needed if you use fresh red ripe tomatoes and flavorful basil. As for the salt, any kind will do, but sea salt or kosher salt will give the best flavor.


  • 12 slices French or Italian bread, lightly toasted
  • 3 large tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt or kosher salt


Combine tomatoes, oil, basil and salt in a covered bowl and let marinate at least 4 hours (do not refrigerate; tomatoes will lose their flavor).

Use a slotted spoon to layer on to bread. Serve immediately.

Spicy Vegetarian/Vegan Bean Dip

A classic vegetarian bean dip with spicy chilies and Tabasco sauce. Vegetarian bean dip is great for a casual vegetarian Super bowl or party appetizer. This vegetarian bean dip recipe is also vegan.


  • 1 – 28 ounce can vegetarian baked beans, drained
  • 1 – 4 ounce can green chilies, diced
  • 3 tbsp vinegar
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp Tabasco sauce (or your favorite hot sauce to taste)
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • Tortilla chips
  • Preparation:

Drain beans and add to blender. Add chilies, vinegar, chili powder, Tabasco, onion powder, salt and garlic powder blend until smooth. Pour into bowl and garnish with green onions.

Serve with tortilla chips.