Anyone who’s interested in personal development really needs to learn how to constantly emit higher levels of thought vibration; although we can conveniently call it something else like “happiness”, “peace of mind,” or an “abundance consciousness” for example.
There are several techniques that we use to get our thinking back on track when we’ve fallen into low frequency thought patterns including; depression, sadness, negativity, anger and/or apathy. First step is to find out what works and then keep doing it.
To learn to think regularly at a higher level of frequency is hardly ever an overnight change, instead, it’s a case of gradual improvement combined with frequent practice. Notice when you feel blue or down and then address it by trying some of the following ideas to pick yourself up.
Fortunately, the more we’re able to practice these techniques, the more happiness and higher levels of thought vibration will be our natural state of being. All we have to do is choose to operate at a higher level, in fact, even thinking about thinking at the higher level tends to get you there, how about that for a nice little coincidence!
Here are 5 methods to practice:
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
First, we need to begin by determining whether a thought we are thinking is empowering or disempowering. We can check in with our thoughts by simply asking ourselves, “Are the thoughts that I am thinking empowering or disempowering?” When we change our thoughts, we can then change our feelings. Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions and actions lead to results. This is basis of the “Law of Attraction.” If we practice thinking thoughts that have a higher vibration, we tend to get more of what we desire in life, plus we’ll feel better about ourselves too.
Ordinarily, thoughts that vibrate at a higher level are more likely to be strong, positive and empowering. On the other hand thoughts that vibrate at a low level are liable to be negative, harmful and disempowering.
The general consensus is that what we think about most is what we will manifest in our life; so if we’re operating from a higher frequency, we are more likely to attract the life we desire. We’re also more likely to be happier and in a better state of mind.
Recognizing High and Low Levels of Thought Vibration:
If we stop for a second and take a look at our own personal thought patterns, we may realize that we instinctively understand the concept of thought vibration, at least at a subconscious or even unconscious level. We begin to view all thoughts as energy, and good thoughts vibrate differently from bad thoughts. This will make immediate sense if we compare what being in a good mood feels like compared to being in a bad mood.
When we are “operating at a higher level of thought vibration”, it clarifies our thinking, making it positive and focused. We also tend to be in a more relaxed state and be more focused on opportunities than on problems. When our thinking is such, our whole body feels good, and positive emotions like excitement, anticipation and happiness become the norm.
Whenever we are in this state of mind, we may find that people (and even animals) tend to respond well to us. We’re less likely to encounter various problems, and we may even stumble upon a bit of good fortune that we wouldn’t normally anticipate. When we’re operating from a higher level of thought vibration, people may subconsciously pick up on the fact that we are sending out “good vibes,” and that’s all higher thought vibration is; good vibes.
Just the opposite is true when we are operating at a lower frequency of thought vibration, we are sending out “bad vibes” or perhaps we’re feeling sorry for ourselves, rehashing things that have already happened, feeling miserable and depressed, and emotions like anger, fear and discontent can become the norm. People will then subconsciously avoid us, or worse, will be drawn into conflict with us. This is a dreadful way to live; but ironically, many people will live like this for the majority of their existence.
The Benefits of Generating a High Level of Thought Vibration
Operating at a higher level of thought vibration is extremely liberating, regardless of how briefly we do it. Not only will we feel happier and more positive about life, but we are much less likely to be judgmental or disrespectful of other people, or to engage in worthless negative activities like gossiping and complaining.
We’ll experience a strange sense of heightened energy, which draws us to other like-minded people. In fact, we’re much more inclined to want to spend time with friends and colleagues. We’ll probably find ourselves meeting new and interesting people too.
So we need to smile more, laugh more and try not taking ourselves so seriously. When we are happy with the present moment as it is, and we won’t waste time and energy wishing we were doing something else.
We’ll be more motivated to achieve our goals, more positive about achieving them, and be genuinely happy and joyous, enjoying the wonder that life truly is. Good vibes are most definitely the way to go!
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Coming next, “How to Use Thoughts to Vibrate at a Higher Level.” So stay tuned…
Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of vibration” – Hiroshi Doi-sensei…
Raising our vibration is an extremely effective way to insure we’re living a balanced and happy life It’s also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. Whenever we emit a lower vibration (or frequency), we block ourselves from truly arriving at the harmony and balance that’s necessary to experience a more peaceful and happy life. It is easy to observe how a life of discord/dissonance facilitates a lower vibratory energy, and sense its negative manifestation in today’s world.
It does take a bit of work however to raise our personal vibrations, so a consistent effort is required both to raise and to maintain these vibrations. The following tips have proven useful in the effort to raise our vibration.
Being mindful of our thoughts
It is vital to keep a close eye on the habitual negative thoughts and tendencies that arise. In the beginning it can be difficult to be aware of the seemingly endless thoughts that constantly bombard our minds all day long, but by noticing unwelcome or negative thoughts we can then start to replace them with a positive thought. We can introduce positive thoughts in our mind, thoughts that we know will make us happy, ones that we can substitute for any negative thoughts that comes into our mind. The key here is to spend as much time as possible thinking positive thoughts, leaving less time to think negative thoughts. When we spend more time engaged in balanced, positive and rational thoughts our vibration level will be raised.
Always think before you speak
Thinking before speaking can be quite challenging for a lot of people. For instance, if you’re looking for a new relationship, resist saying things like “I’ll never find the right person for me.” If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will attract. You will likely get just what you say and think. By changing your words you’ll increase your chances to change your life in a positive way.
Beware of negative, ungrounded individuals
These types of people are running on a very low vibration level, and their low vibration can have an adverse impact on your vibration level if you allow it. Remember, a person’s bio-energy field (aka, aura) can extend out several feet from them. If you feel that another’s energy may have a negative effect on you and you can’t distance yourself from them, imagine being surrounded and protected by white light.
Spend time daily practicing meditation
Take a walk in the woods or through a nature center, away from the city and the noise. Find a place in the country and take a long walk, concentrating on the surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and subsequently raise your vibration. If you can’t get away, try listening to some relaxing music or ambient sounds and concentrate on the sounds.
Become aware of your thoughts, words and actions
Everything we do will come back to us in some way so it’s good to always be wary of how we treat others and how we act in different situations. How we treat others usually determines how we will be treated and by doing right by everyone we come into contact with will naturally help to raise our vibration prompting others to do the right thing by us. Treating everyone compassionately will attract positive people and provide many positive opportunities in our life.
Avoid TV, radio and media in general
It’s especially important to avoid most news programs because they often do much more harm to your vibratory level than good. When watching TV we end up taking in so much negative energy and it becomes confusing to our subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious, triggering a feeling of fear from within. Most of the mainstream media relies on fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch, the more addicted you become. This can have a disastrous impact on your vibratory level.
Strive to remain as optimistic and as rational as possible
This can be difficult to do especially whenever a crisis arises, but when we are in a crisis situation, this is when it’s most important to stay positive. By remaining positive and rational, we’ll keep our vibration high, and when we are vibrating at a higher rate our challenges will be reduced much quicker or we may even find it wasn’t really a problem at all. Positive people, things and events are attracted to positive people. Surrounding ourselves with positive, sensible and rational people is a great way to arrive at (and maintain) a healthy state of mind.
Keep in close touch with your feelings/emotions
Feelings and emotions are our cosmic connection in regards to our entire life and the well-being of the planet. The universe understands the language of feelings and emotions. When we are feeling good about ourselves things residing on the same level of frequency will be the only things attracted into our lives. Our level of vibration runs parallel with our feelings, meaning we are in control of our life and the events that come into our life at any given moment. If there is one important point in relation to raising your vibration it would be to stay on top of your feelings.
Summary: Our personal vibration could be the one factor holding us back from a life of abundance, happiness and success. When we discover how to raise it, we can finally start living from the vibration of love, peace and joy.
Next: “How to Raise Your Thought Vibration” So, check back soon…
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Vastu Shastra is an ancient science of architecture and construction derived from texts found on the Indian subcontinent. This science has paved all its way from ancient history of the vedic ages to the present day technology used by architects and builders. Vastu Shastra is not a myth or any kind of magic; instead it is the science of vibrations and energy contained in each single component that came into existence on this earth.
The basic rules of Vastu Shastra are in accordance with the nature’s laws. These natural laws are meant to maintain a balance or equilibrium between human life and nature.
Vastu Shastra considers important the understanding and proper use of the five basic (or subtle) elements called the “Panch Maha Bhootas” (aka, Pancha-Mahabhutas) of which the world is comprised of. They are:
1. Earth (Prithvi)
2. Water (Apas)
3. Air (Vayu)
4. Fire (Tejas)
5. Space (Akasha)
Each of these elements has its own energy and it radiates its particular energy at its own specific frequency. This energy can be either positive or it can be negative. Vastu Shastra acts a conduit or bridge which paves the way for all the positive energies to enter into our life.
By understanding the rules of Vastu Shastra and working in accordance with them, appropriate alignment of each section during architectural design will harmonize the cosmic forces and make life more pleasant for those living in such a structure.
The Sanskrit word vastu means a dwelling house or home, Shastra means teacher. Each of us has a place we like to call home. The kind of home we live in can be very different based on the lifestyle of those living there. Depending on certain factors like where we live and the environment, how our house is built, how it’s maintained etc., our home can give off different spiritual vibrations too.
By improving the spiritual vibrations of our homes we can enjoy many positive effects, such as increased financial security, improved relationships between those living in the home, more happiness among residents, and less obstacles to spiritual practice done by those in the home.
In a nutshell: Vastu Shastra is a Vēdic science that clarifies and explains the difference between pleasant and distressing frequencies generated in premises. A Vastu (premises) refers to an open space enclosed by walls on all sides, irrespective of whether it has a roof or not. Every such space that is built has a center of energy (aka, Deity of the premises). This Diety’s mission is to endow the energy of the space encouraging pleasant events and discouraging those that are distressing or unpleasant there.
Vastu Shastra advises (in considerable detail) how we can construct the premises we intend to live in so as to avoid all kinds of distress and attract spiritually positive vibrations.
According to Vastu Shastra, the spiritual vibrations of the actual premises also depend on a few basic factors:
1. Material used in construction – stone, mud and wood have greater potential to attract positive frequencies than cement or concrete.
2. The direction which the main door, kitchen, bathroom etc. face.
3. The purpose of the premises (house, a shopping mall, a palace, a temple etc.).
Improperly built premises are likely to cause several different types of distress to the residents:
• Physical illnesses (disorders of the stomach, rheumatism, paralysis etc.).
• Psychological problems (anxiety, depression etc.).
• Ill effects on a foetus.
*Note: If the placement of rooms in the premises is wrong then other specific types of distress may also be experienced.
In summary: Vastu Shastra can give us very useful advice on the choice of land and architectural design to insure a pleasant home. However, it is important to understand that the nature (and vibrations) of the residents living in the home and the activities which occur there are generally more important in determining what vibrations are experienced in that space or spaces.
Next: “How to Raise Your Personal Vibration.” So check back soon.
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Operating on a higher frequency makes us happier, stronger, more aware and more creative. By raising our vibrations we’ll make better decisions, we’ll be seeing clearly and with a broader perspective. When we are functioning at a higher vibration our cells have optimum capacity to work properly and heal themselves.
“Raising your vibration is a choice. You are the master of your own light. Within you lives this undeniable radiant beauty. Awaken to your gifts and share them as was intended.” ~Ananda Anahata
Over time by practicing yoga, physical ailments will be healed, deep seated emotional issues will be released (and will continue to release), and our hearts will be prompted to open fully. Yoga is the perfect catalyst to activate our spiritual awakening and to raise our vibration.
Yoga is more than physical poses (asanas); it’s actually is a complete way of life and a philosophy, but in many western cultures it has been mistakenly re-interpreted to mean only a form of exercise. By reading yoga texts, and with an extensive yoga teacher training course that includes learning yoga philosophy, you will come to have an understanding of what “yoga” (in its entirety) really means. It’s very beneficial to make various yoga techniques and philosophies part of our daily spiritual practice and integrate them into all aspects of our daily life. However, it is good to incorporate philosophies that are agreeable with our own self. This means, follow the heart with any philosophy and be careful about not following any specific approach dogmatically. Always follow your own inner guidance to discover what feels right for your path; listen to your heart!
Doing yoga poses (asanas) cultivates awareness of our body and awareness of everything in our life, physically and metaphysically. Many yoga techniques and practices that include asana raise your vibration and subsequently expand your awareness. Here are a few practical techniques:
Simply by adding just one of these yoga techniques or practices to your day, you may notice a significant difference in your life.
Try chanting in Sanskrit prior to meditation; chanting is a wonderful tool to prepare our being to go deep inside. “By chanting Sanskrit, you can put your whole body and mind into such a state of vibration that you begin to experience yourself as energy rather than as solid physical form.” – Vyaas Houston (founder of the American Sanskrit Institute).
Start by listening to many different chants and soon you may discover it’s become your favorite music to listen to. You will soon be able to actually feel the power of the chants vibrating through your body and activating your chakras. Learn to practice yoga to these chants; a beautiful combined practice for going deep within yourself.
Raising our vibration results in living a more vibrant life, being ever more aware of ourselves and our environment (on all levels of being). Raising your vibration is cumulative; each day you become more aware, more vibrant, more alive! You live your life more open, have more joy, more peace, more love. Imagine living life fully with yoga as a way of life. Create what you imagine step-by-step, by adding in another practice whenever the time feels right.
Love, blessings, and Namaste!
Next: “The Effects of Spiritual Vibrations in the Home (vastu shastra)” So, check back soon…
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Vibrational Healing is the trend of the future for humans to overcome illness and disease and attain/maintain a state of optimal health. Technological advances are now beginning to provide a means that is sure to allow scientific testing to validate the positive effects of these natural vibratory forces. Energy centers including the entire energy field surrounding the body can now be seen using Kirlian and other special photographic equipment.
Vibrational Healing may be described as a process where vibrations are introduced or transferred into a human being’s physical and energy body. The vibrations which have become unbalanced in the physical or etheric/auric body can be adjusted to reach a state of equilibrium. This form of natural healing is based on the concept that illnesses or diseases in the physical and etheric/auric body are characterized by blockages and imbalances. These blockages and imbalances can cause cells, organs, bodily systems, and/or the energetic body itself to slow its vibratory state. When vibrations slow below a certain level disease (dis-ease) or illness is the result. The process of Vibrational Healing adjusts (resets) these unbalanced vibrations.
To experience health and wellbeing, an individual needs to reach a relatively high rate of vibration and sustain it. This vibration is fed in numerous ways, including positive thinking, feeling, believing, seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, eating, drinking, breathing, and any environmental conditions we expose ourselves to. Whenever an individual becomes sick or ill their rate of vibration lowers. As the rate of vibration drops the individual starts to become more and more susceptible to other negative energies and invaders and a self-perpetuating cycle of deteriorating health develops.
Many internal factors affect the rate of vibration of a human body. Every cell, organ and bodily system has its own unique vibration. Every emotion that we feel creates a separate vibration in our body; each thought we have produces a unique vibration; each color has its own vibration; every sound carries its own vibration; each smell has its own vibration.
Many external conditions and situations also affect the vibration of the human body. We are constantly bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies that can influence the vibratory rate of our physical and etheric bodies. Household appliances, television sets, cell phones, microwave ovens are all sending out these vibrations. Our Mother Earth is surrounded by various electromagnetic grids that will also affect our vibrations. Even underground water can, and often does, disrupt the healthy vibration of the human system without our sensing it. And finally, our homes, offices and private spaces can seriously affect our rate of vibration.
The relationship between our bodies, emotions, mind and spirit is not always apparent. Additionally, the mystery of the relationship of our Mother Earth and the much vaster Universe is also never ending. It’s truly amazing to realize that the human body is capable of automatically balancing the complex world of internal and external vibrations and finding its own state of equilibrium. A host of afflictions and diseases can occur when our vibrations become unbalanced and this equilibrium is disturbed.
Vibrational Healing is not some “new age” fad; it has been used for thousands of years throughout many ancient civilizations. Ancient Indian texts accurately describe the human energy systems. Yoga systems provide information and diagrams that not only detail where the main energy centers (chakras) are located but also, what part of the endocrine system each energy center works with and how imbalances in the energy center affect the physical, mental, and emotional state of the person. Specific vibrational tools, including breathing techniques (pranayama) and poses (asanas), are recommended for correcting imbalances depending on the particular energy center involved.
Ancient Egyptians have used sound and color for healing and many of their healing centers had special rooms devoted specifically to healing with color and sound. The Chinese have used acupuncture and acupressure, two other forms of Vibrational Healing, for centuries. In the U. S. today, acupuncture/acupressure are becoming common methods for dealing with illness. Reiki, another form of Vibrational Healing is being practiced by many energy practitioners throughout North America and Europe today. Homeopathy is yet another form of Vibrational Healing. Homeopathy uses the principle of “like cures like” and introduces minute amounts of certain substances at varying energy levels to activate the vital healing force inherent in the human body. A simple technique of the “laying on of hands” is another form of Vibrational Healing, imparting blessing, authority and healing since Biblical times. A simple form of “hands on healing” where an individual places their hands so that their vibration (which is stronger), is intentionally transferred to an individual who has been weakened or fatigued. These are only a few of the many examples of Vibrational Healing which work effectively.
With a bit of research and practice we can all learn how to raise our vibration in order to stay healthy and happy.
Next: “Yogic Techniques for Raising your Vibration and Expanding your Awareness.” So, check back soon…
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Part 3 will be continuing this series of discussions examining the extensive world of vibrations; how and what they manifest, interact with each other and perhaps most of all, how they affect us as humans. To review Part 1, follow this link:
Part 2:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”…Nikola Tesla
Shifting your vibration…Creating a temporary shift in your vibration is easier than you think. Such a change can be made in just a few seconds. Dance, jump around and/or move your body. Sing, chant or hum. Hold a smile for a minute or two. Assume a yoga asana (pose). Take a cold shower. Each and every one of these will change your state. However, this won’t create much of a lasting change and you will likely return to your old vibratory pattern afterwards. If your dominant pattern persists, your equilibrium won’t shift.
In order to shift your vibration and maintain the new vibration’s equilibrium, you need to break the habit of the old vibratory pattern. In other words you need to create a lasting disconnect between your current vibration and all the associated environmental vibrations that are compatible with it. There are basically two ways to accomplish this:
1. Shift your own vibration to one you can hold long enough to create a lasting disconnect with your current vibratory pattern. When you start transmitting a new vibration, you’ll find you can quickly repel whatever there is in your environment that is incompatible with your new signal. Simultaneously, you’ll also begin attracting new people, events, and experiences that are compatible with your new signal. Hold the new vibration long enough, and you’ll see your whole physical reality change all around you. You can begin to apply this approach by visualizing your goals as vividly as possible and holding that visualization for at least 20 minutes, repeating this every day. Visualize in such a way that you start to feel strong emotions arise. Whenever an emotional shift becomes stable, it indicates that you’re transmitting a new signal. The longer you can hold on to this new vibration, the faster your reality will shift.
2. Use the power of intention to replace as many of your environmental signals with new ones as you can. Then hold yourself in that newly created environment. This may feel uncomfortable initially because you probably won’t be compatible with those new signals. Give them time and allow them to recalibrate and reset your own vibration until you become completely compatible with them.
You can also apply a shift to your vibration by changing your environmental landscape; physically, socially, etc. For example, stop spending time with friends that are stuck or lazy, get rid of your TV, and start hanging regularly with the most productive, inspirational people you know. This may also feel uncomfortable at first, but with patience, you’ll be able to integrate those new signals, and your own vibratory pattern will soon shift and come into resonance with this new environment.
Summary of the above: You can either change the transmission you’re emitting, or you can change the signal “sea” you’re immersed in. Either one method can be very effective at creating a lasting change in your vibratory pattern.
Creating and manifesting your desires: To create what you really want in your life, you must shift your vibratory pattern so that you’re emitting a signal that’s vibrationally compatible with your goals and desires.
Identifying that new vibration can be done by vividly visualizing your goals until you feel a different emotion or emotions, and then work to stabilize those emotions at a certain point. Take note of how your vibrational inner being feels, not only emotionally but also energetically. Then you can return to your old state and observe the vibrational difference between the two states by comparing and contrast the old vibration with the new one.
Each vibration has a different energy “signature.” If I temporarily shift my default vibration to another state (by just imagining it’s real) then I can feel my vibrational self shifting its frequency too. If I hold that vibration long enough, I’ll soon find that my physical reality follows suit.
It should then be obvious that if you want to shift your vibration, it’s a not a good idea to consistently expose yourself to incompatible signals. The latest news on TV is a good example; it might be a perfect time to read a high-quality book or article instead.
Learning to sense, observe and control the vibrational frequencies you’re emitting is powerful stuff. Once you really get the hang of this, you can intentionally choose to shift your frequency at will to experience what you want to desire and manifest.
This is not to say that it’ll be easy for you to accomplish all of these things, especially in the beginning. It takes patience and practice to adjust your vibratory frequency correctly, so be patient with yourself. After all Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Next: “Our Vibratory Patterns – Vibrational Healing.” So come back soon!
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
Part 2 will be continuing this series of discussions examining the extensive world of vibrations; how and what they manifest, interact with each other and perhaps most of all, how they affect us as humans. To review Part 1, follow this link:
“We live in an ocean of motion”… Bob Proctor
Each of our thoughts is on a certain vibratory frequency and therefore it is part of the entire “vibrating” universe. As each thought is sent out, the Law of Attraction is set in motion and this works because of the Law of Vibration attracts whatever we are sending out. In other words, positive thoughts (energies) attract positive energies and negative (thoughts) energies attract negative energies. Persistent thoughts enable to these two laws (vibration & attraction) to work their magic, which will tend to result in creating a situation or a manifestation depending on the nature, intensity and duration of that thought.
We are taught to think of ourselves simply as physicals beings inhabiting a physical universe. But, in truth, we are also energetic/vibratory beings in an energetic/vibratory universe. We are all simultaneously both transmitting and receiving energy. As human beings one of our greatest challenges is to learn how to live as a vibratory being in a vibratory universe. Part of this challenge is to learn to shift your vibration, and resist falling into the trap of conditioned vibratory patterns.
We have learned to live as physical bodies so we can learn to live as energetic/vibratory bodies as well. When we realize the energetic/vibratory aspects of ourselves we begin to witness ourselves as a transmitter of vibrations. We’re constantly sending out signals telling the universe just who we are (and what we are being) in this present moment. Other vibratory beings and events will either be attracted or repelled by the vibrations sent out by us.
Our energetic/vibratory self will naturally attract that which is in harmony with its current state of being, and it’ll repel that which is out of sync with that state. If we radiate wealth and abundance; our physical reality will begin to reflect wealth and abundance. Radiate anger and frustration and our physical reality will reflect that as well.
When the signals we’re sending out tend to be fairly complex, our experience of physical reality will be equally complex. We attract what we’re signaling, it’s that simple.
Once we can accept that our energetic/vibratory self will attract compatible patterns, it should become clear that if we want to experience something different in our life, we must find a way change the signals (transmissions) we’re sending out.
One thing we can do is to learn to listen to the vibratory “tone” of our thoughts. First it is good to quiet our minds and tune in to our inner being, this enables us to watch (witness) our thoughts and the constant noise or hum going on in our heads. What types of signals are being transmitted in this particular moment?
But remember, these are all thoughts, and the true signal being emitted isn’t exactly a thought. It’s a frequency generated by the thought. Our vibratory being and our environment will gradually adjust to a state of equilibrium over time. When we sense that our current life situation appears fairly stable, it’s safe to assume that we’re in a state equilibrium. If we continue to attract and surround ourselves with vibrations that reinforce our current state, then that state can be maintained indefinitely. Even if we stray from it for a while, we’ll find it easy to keep coming back to that state of equilibrium.
Next: Continuing with “Our Vibratory Patterns – What They Mean (pt. 3),” so check back soon…
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
This article will be an introduction to a series of discussions examining the extensive world of vibrations; how and what they manifest, interact with each other and perhaps most of all, how they affect us as humans.
“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
The universal law of nature states everything has its own vibration. Anyone who has taken a basic chemistry class probably remembers learning about atoms, and that everything is made up of atoms. These atoms are constantly in a state of motion and when the temperature increases, the speed of the atoms increases and depending on their speed, things will appear as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Although many things tend to convince us that they’re “solid,” there is no solidity to be found in the universe. Any form that appears solid is actually created by an underlying (or concealed) vibration. Even things that don’t appear as being solid have their source in vibrations; every sound is a vibration, as are all thoughts and feelings. All that manifests itself in everyone’s life is there because it matches the vibration from their thoughts and/or their feelings.
The Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. To understand either of these laws it is crucial to know that everything is energy. Science, because of quantum physics, is now able to conclusively show us that everything in our universe is energy.
Beyond even the atom, down to a sub-atomic level, we do not find matter, but pure energy alone. Called by some this pure energy is known as the unified field and by others, the matrix. Still others refer to this field as pure potentiality; entirely comprised by energy
These universal laws also state that everything in the Universe is constantly moving and vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing is ever completely at rest. Everything you can observe all around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, including you. However, your frequency is quite different from other people and things in the universe and because of this it seems like you are separated from everything; people, animals, plants, trees, etc. But, in reality, you are not separated; instead you are living in an ocean of energy, as we all are.
The Law of Vibration is real. Even if you can’t see it, that doesn’t mean it’s not true. Many people live by the old adage, “seeing is believing;” which is probably why we don’t learn from history, thus realizing that something might be true even though we don’t (or can’t) see it.
That saying is deceptive, it should be the other way around; “believing – you will see.” Most people will choose to look at what they presently know based on what they can see. They rely too much on their five senses and are all too often not willing to keep an open mind. Hence, they are not willing to accept the basic fact that everything vibrates and that the law of vibration is real. It time for us to realize that we are vibrating sending instruments, transmitting our thoughts and feelings into the universe all the time.
People only rely on their 5 senses to tell them what their reality is; using their sensory level to establish their frame of knowledge based on the time in which we are living. But, our frame of knowledge should, and is, constantly changing since science is showing us “new” truths every day. Keep in mind that our frame of knowledge has been changing as long as we have lived on this planet. A good example is how science has shown us that the world is round when before we believed it was flat. So, it’s about time we realize that something may well be a reality even though we can’t verify it with our 5 senses.
Next: Continuing with “Our Vibratory Patterns – What They Mean (pt. 2),” so check back soon…
Rae Indigo is ERYT 500
From the perspective of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras it is important to understand that emotional pain and all its varied expressions, such as depression, stem from the desire, attachment, fear and certain unconscious universal constructs (Kleshas) that exist in all un-liberated human minds. These constructs (sometimes referred to as “colorings”) form a basis on which all other more individualized neuroses are woven and re-woven through a complex association of desires, attachments, fears and other human experiences. Thus these Kleshas are basic motivational forces which underpin our ability to act, think, and feel. It is these Kleshas which are responsible for the fluctuations (modifications or agitations) of consciousness and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are primarily concerned with the elimination or stilling of these fluctuations.
If and when they are removed through yoga practices, all of the individual neuroses which they support will crumble and fall away. These Kleshas (afflictions or colorings) are comprised of five basic constructs or crystallized thought-forms and are described by Patanjali at the beginning of Book 2 of the Yoga Sutras (1, 2, 3 & 4).
Once the Kleshas are seen in a clear light and recognized for what they are, they will disappear. The intellectual mind is not enough to bring about this recognition. Patanjali, insists the “8 limbs of yoga” are necessary to lead the mind toward the required purification and these are:
We all have heard that every journey starts with the first step. So it stands to reason that recognizing the Kleshas is a good way to quench the desire of the intellect. Here is a list of the 5 Klishas and their attributes:
The kleshas are imprinted on chitta (the “stuff” of the mind); and the individual consciousness from time immemorial then tends to create and perpetuate the illusions that existence is limited to the mind-body complex. Even after death the chitta retains the kleshas in seed form and they sprout to full fruition in the next incarnation. As long as any individual thinks that consciousness is limited to their present bodily existence, they are forever at the mercy of forces beyond their control, but they always remain somewhat aware (even if it’s on a subconscious level), that sooner or later the body will die and all experience will cease along with it.